Firefly Fitness with Ken & Jennifer Cornine

Building a Legacy of Health and Happiness

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Day 2 or More Acurately “Geez, my backside hurts!”

Meet my trainer Official Sagi Kalev for today.1915383_10153942310843474_6516310247535031104_nIt is Day 2 for me ofThe Master’s Hammer & Chisel and again I am shocked at the intensity of this program. Not too long ago I would have felt the discomfort and listened to the voices in my head telling me that I’m too old for all of these jumps, that walking is enough.

Enter Sagi telling me that it is worth it and I can do it. He reminds me that this is a mental game and that my body is capable. And you know what? I believe him. Even though I am struggling mightily to make it through and there are some moves that I can’t swing just yet I trust this process, I trust my trainers and I trust the group that is in place to pick me up (virtually) out of the puddle of sweat on the floor and tell me that today I did great.

Here is a link to a great article on the power of fitness buddies.  Have a great workout & share it with someone!

See you tomorrow,




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New Year 60 Day Challenge: Day 1


Today I am starting  new journey:  I am on a mission to reclaim my health and fitness.  The holidays are always a turbulent time for me and the first thing to go is my diet, closely followed by the other areas of essential self care: sleep, exercise, moderation…Each year I find it a little harder to bounce back, but this year I have tools at my disposal that I’m going to share here if that’s ok.

The first thing is to GET REAL!  It takes a good long look at where you are starting from in order to see where it is realistic to go.  My starting point is a scary 5 lb holiday weight gain on top of the 5 lbs put on over the course of the previous year.  YIKES!  While I am not on a mission to run on the beach in  a bikini (yet), maintaining a heathy weight is imperative to my physical comfort, ability to move freely and maintain a positive outlook.  For me, physical fitness is essential to mental heath and the ability stay in balance.

Day 1; Step 1 requires a health assessment.  Weight, key measurements -because the scale LIES!- and an honest look in the mirror complete with photos.  Here is how to take your measurements.

Next is the plan.  I am using a new program called The Master’s Hammer & Chisel and participating in an online support group specifically for this program.  Support and accountability are essential to success!  The program has a nutrition guide to follow as well as a workout schedule so that part is easy.

Finally comes the daily motivation component.  It takes work!  Just because it is simple doesn’t mean it is easy.  So motivation and inspiration are key to success, keeping the goal in front of me and getting clear on the why behind the change.

All of these key components I will be sharing here in the next 60 days.  Follow along with me if you like.  I would love some company!  Let’s do this!


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May I Help You…?


I recently came across a post in a group that I am a part of that truly spoke to me and struck a chord in my heart. I truly believe that it is our higher purpose to serve others above all else and I have wanted to do something very special for sometime. Along comes this inspiration…

October is my birth month and to honor the gift of health and vitality that has been given to me, I have decided to use those gifts and serve 31 other women in the month of October- completely and totally free of charge.

My reason for 31 is twofold; one for each day of the month and the other is for Proverbs 31. My goal is for each woman to be “clothed in strength and dignity”, laugh without fear of the future” and “make strong her arms” and with that our health, hearts and souls.

What am I offering?
100% FREE Coaching for the month of October including
– a 30 minute Getting Started Right Call to identify your big “Why”, roadblocks and plan of action
– a nutritional assessment
– health check-in
-customized meal plans
– exclusive support group and accountability partners
– Prizes
-Guest speakers

YOU have to do the hard part and decide that NOW is your time and you are worthy of the self-love and attention. I am accepting the first 31 women to declare October as their month. Is it you? Comment below with your email address and I will get you setup. Share this post with someone you love who needs a boost. There are no strings, purchases or upsells. It is my gift to you. What do you have to lose?
xoxoxo- jennifer

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Monday can be a WONDERFUL DAY!

11218172_883444705026480_2893540257526851936_nGood Morning & Happy Monday! Today is typically that day of the week where good intentions are set. Mondays always feel like a fresh start for me- kind of like the first day of school (which is fast approaching!) or a small New Year’s Day. I was talking with someone recently who was so frustrated and just bone-tired of starting over. I told them that it doesn’t matter HOW MANY TIMES you start again, just that you do. How many people vow to stop smoking, drinking, overeating with remorse from the weekend every Monday- so much so that they’ve come to dread Mondays? (I know I’ve been there!) But…Monday can be a WONDERFUL DAY! Don’t stop making vows to change something in your life. Every step you take forward counts. If you fall off course, dust yourself off and start again; just don’t wait for another Monday to recommit.

Here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Do something right now- the next right thing that you can think of and call that a fresh start.
2. Get an accountability partner. Connect with a supportive community.
3. Make a plan to succeed. Prep. Plan for road bumps (they will be there.)
4. Don’t let other people tell you what you are capable of following through on. Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business. REPEAT DAILY.
5. Above all else- be kind to yourself; be proud. But be accountable to YOU. Have the courage to start.

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“Hello my name is Jennifer & I CRAVE Chocolate”

I have been following a different workout program that I LOVE.  I don’t love the nutrition side of it though and I have been deeply conflicted about it.  As a Healthy Lifestyle Coach, I PREACH “Follow the program as it was written.”  Problem is that the way this one was written feels WRONG for my brain.

I have a sugar addicted brain.  The real deal-as in cravings that will be relentless and zap my energy and make me moody and sad and defeated kind of addicted brain- so a diet made up of 50% carbohydrates is not a healthy choice for me.  So with much trepidation, I have decided to bag the carb-loading lifestyle after 3 weeks (and 4 lbs) and go back to my nutritional sweet spot (pun intended).  I do plan to continue with those killer workouts and share my progress as the challenge continues.

In the meantime, I have to deal with the carb brain and sometimes that means tricking it.  My solution is here:  Clean Eating Almond Butter Cups.  (Kid approved!)


1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup high quality cocoa powder
1/2 cup smooth almond butter
1/4 cup raw honey or maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Melt coconut oil.  Blend all ingredients together in a food processor or blender.  Pour into paper-lined muffin tin cups or silicon muffin cups and fill half-inch full.  Makes 20.   Chill for 30 minutes or freeze for 10 minutes.  When firm, remove.  Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.  Mmm-mm!

2 little cups of goodness are 146 calories/14.6 grams fat/2.8 grams carbs/1.6 grams protein/ 1.4 grams fiber

If you would like to see what I’m cooking this week, I post my recipes on my Pinterest board here.  I am following the 21 Day Fix Nutrition Guide and would love to share more with you about it.  Just message me or find me on Facebook!

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I woke up this morning and like any other morning scrolled my news feed while drinking my coffee.  I ran across a quiz like so many others that are popular amongst my Facebook friends.  I have taken these as well


and posted my results and giggled or rolled my eyes with the rest of them.  But today was different.


Today’s Quiz Du Jour was “How Bipolar Are You?”

As you can imagine many people took the quiz and jokes ensued.  Except it isn’t funny.  Now my disclaimer belongs bolded here.

I was guilty of using the term in a derogatory manner myself…until I was diagnosed with Bipolar Type 2.  And then it wasn’t funny anymore.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health,

”Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be severe. They are different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through from time to time. Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. But bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives.

Bipolar disorder often appears in the late teens or early adult years. At least half of all cases start before age 25.1 Some people have their first symptoms during childhood, while others may develop symptoms late in life.

Bipolar disorder is not easy to spot when it starts. Some people suffer for years before they are properly diagnosed and treated. Like diabetes or heart disease, bipolar disorder is a long-term illness that must be carefully managed throughout your life.”


In other words, Bipolar is a serious, life-threatening disorder that is genetically linked, biologically based and while there is no cure, it is infinitely treatable.  And totally misunderstood.

The stigma that follows mood disorder is tragic.  It causes people to hide in the shadows and avoid treatment for fear of being “outed”.  I used that term recently myself.  Outed.  The fear is based in reality as evidenced in the comments on that quiz.  It is one of the largest barriers to treatment out there.  Like a huge elephant.

Having bipolar in 2015 reminds me of the time that cancer was scary and misunderstood.  Remember the movie “Terms of Endearment”?  The stigma that surrounded cancer in the era in which the story took place was real.  I saw the movie with my mother.  I didn’t know then that cancer would take her life 15 years later.  And I thank God that we were supported and loved through it all.  Yet today I wonder why we don’t support families dealing with mental illness in the same gentle manner.  The thing is, you would never have a quiz that spurred jokes about cancer or autism.  No pop quizzes asks “Are you Autistic?” or “Are You Diabetic?” and then generate hilarious responses.

I don’t point this out to judge; I misused the terms myself pre-diagnosis.  I point this out to start a conversation and ask you to think about how you can help end the stigma once and for all.  Treatment does exist.  Life does get better.  In fact, bipolar life, for me, is

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Inflammation and The Mind/Body Connection

When I started on my road back to health my lab work was a mess, to put it mildly.  I had dangerously high blood pressure and various systems were haywire in my body.  One thing that the results pointed to was a high level of inflammation.  I knew that was a term that I used when my joints hurt or feet were swollen, but beyond that I hadn’t given it much thought.  I certainly never thought that inflammation was a factor in mental health and wellness.  Turns out that I was wrong.

I did know that I wanted to get better.  I began to exercise regularly and cleaned up my diet.  I eliminated soda, alcohol and most processed foods and instead focused on fresh produce and lean protein.  fresh-fruits-vegetables-2419

I knew that I had a lot of damage to undo, so I added in a daily dose of Shakeology because I had heard that one serving was the equivalent to 5 trips to the salad bar and I needed all of the help that I could get!  I began to feel better, both inside and out.  I committed to drinking as close to a gallon of water a day as I could manage.  My weight dropped.  I slept better.  My mood stabilized.  I had instinctively made these changes and now I am so glad that I did, as research supports the connections that I had made.

Check out this article to help you identify the foods that you should be including in your diet if you suspect that, like me, inflammation is hindering your wellness.  If you would like to learn more about Shakeology or join one of my Healthy Mind/ Healthy Body Support Groups leave me a comment or drop me a message.  I’d love to help!

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Having a diagnosis of a mood disorder is often scary and misunderstood. It is sometimes hard to demonstrate to other people that it is a physical illness not dissimilar to diabetes or lupus.

I am excited to read about and share recent research into the physical aspects of mood disorders. There is mounting evidence that both the gut and inflammation have something to do with the cause and/or symptoms of depression, anxiety & bipolar. There is so much anecdotal evidence that your food affects your mood, it is great to have the research handy to back that up.

Take away: Add a good probiotic to your diet and do what you can to reduce inflammation. Please like and share to help raise awareness among your friends.

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21 Day Fix Extreme Days 2 & 3 Reviewed

This is usually the point in the process where I blow it.  Not the workout part- I’m good with that, it is the nutrition plan.  I never held hard and fast to the plan.  “BUT YOU ARE A COACH!!!!”,  I hear the people scream.  Yes, I am a health coach and uniquely flawed like we all are.  My downfall is sticking to the plan AS IT IS WRITTEN.  The last time I did the plan as it was written, (drumroll please) I lost weight.  I removed 20 lbs with Focus T25.  I lost 8lbs with Ultimate Reset.  I lost 4 lbs with the 3 Day Refresh.  The programs work if you work them.

(Slogan borrowed from another great cause, applies here too!  😉  )it_works_if_you_work_it_so_work_it_cause_youre_wo

I resolved this time to do it right.  I gained back some weight through my parasite cleanse process, a story for another blog post.  I need to get it off of my body because I feel sluggish and uncomfortable and it is time.  So I decided to jump in with a Mega-Challenge Group and tackled 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I am the participant, not the coach, so I am doing what I am told to do (just like I tell others in my groups to do) and working the plan as it is written.  And it works!e8e61aab7ed578118db05414a57c6987

I am proud to announce that I have lost 4 lbs so far in this Challenge as of the start of Day 4 weigh in.  And I ate pasta last night.  Because it was on the plan!  Marinara-Sauce-1024x768People far smarter than I am have designed this to work.  Not just for some people, for everyone if you work the plan as it is written.

As for the workouts-  I freaking love them.  Weights make me feel so Bad Ass and I have success in those 30 minutes at 5:30 in the morning.  I drink my Shakeology as I am told to do and I show up at work feeling like a Rockstar.  I can’t wait to see what Day 7 feels like.  I’ll keep you posted (and hey- if you want to jump in and do this with me, comment, like, shoot me a message and we’ll get you set up.  What do you have to lose? ).6d0ac4df53e88de1690e91be1fe071dd

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My Journey to Health Coach

HealthyLifeNextExit_3My health coach story actually began some time ago. Like many of our top coaches I was not a first time winner with the programs or coach opportunity. I did not plug-in to the culture right away. If I had “gotten it” back then, it would have saved a lot of people a lot of pain, but then again, I am certain I wouldn’t be sitting here today with the intention of offering my story as a beacon of hope for some and an invitation to a new way of life for others.

It all began about 5 or 6 years ago. I had two children; I was seriously overweight and firmly ensconced in “Mommy Defensiveness”. I was sleep deprived and while I was diligent about the food that I fed my family and committed to their health, I was making all of the wrong choices for my own. I embraced the term “Mom-shaped” and resigned myself to the fact that after 2 Cesarean births, I would never again get my body back. Truth be told, I had been overweight leading up to my first child 6 years prior. One of my older brothers gave Ken & me his copy of P90X. He had a friend that had amazing, life-changing results with it and thought it would help me. I was defensive and angry at any mention of my weight back then and quickly decided that the program was too extreme for me. I thought it was for athletes and that just wasn’t who I was anymore. I was Mom now (can you hear the whisper of an identity dissolving there?).

Fast-forward a few years. I was exhausted and sad all of the time. My husband bought me a copy of Insanity (the irony was lost on us at the time). He knew on some deep level that if I could just muster enough focus and energy to move my body on a daily basis that I could begin to feel better. Yet there it sat, untouched. Months passed and now I was held in the death grip of a major chemical imbalance and life was growing so bleak. I had crippling anxiety and bottomless fatigue. I was self-medicating and defeated and was quickly losing hope. I knew in my mind that exercise and nutrition could help me feel better but I had lost faith in myself and my judgment was so off the mark. We were searching desperately for a doctor that could tell us what was wrong and I suffered a series of misdiagnosis. The doctor prescribed antidepressants for my sadness and fatigue and another medication for my anxiety and even as I got worse, we were told to stay the course with these medications. But, my illness was spiraling out of control. I became desperate and my tentative grip on reality was loosening by the day. After several hospitalization and unimaginable turmoil in my family, we found a doctor who knew how to help me. Finally I had an accurate diagnosis of Bipolar 2 and my whole world changed.

My doctor believed 100% in a mind/body connection and encouraged me to do the things that I knew would help me feel better. That meant going back to basics which included proper nutrition and daily exercise. As I got better, I dusted off my copy of Insanity and fell in love. The endorphins and dopamine were vital to my recovery and I got my life back.

In August of 2013 I stumbled on the coach opportunity and Shakeology. I signed as a coach to get the discount for the Challenge Group I was joining. I was hooked! My body had suffered YEARS of abuse. At the height of my illness I had dangerously high blood pressure, a sick liver and kidneys and I was prediabetic. It is not an exaggeration to say that Shakeology and Insanity restored my body to health. I desperately needed every single adaptogen, pre and probiotic, digestive enzyme and superfood. The dense nutrition coupled with daily exercise and sunlight healed me.

My husband and I decided to tackle T25 in September of 2013. The program was challenging, yet so simple to follow, the nutrition program was nearly perfect and my daily Shakeology was working miracles in my body. I am proud to say that I completed T25 and lost 20 pounds in the process. My husband, who tackled T25 to support me, won the daily challenge for his transformation. I had learned that I could follow through with a goal. For the first time in a long time I did what I said I was going to do. My confidence soared. We were hooked and I found my calling to coach.

A requirement for being a successful coach is continually working on personal development and your own health and fitness. In my community we have the most amazing resources available to become better people; we have a culture that is supportive and uplifting. We don’t just talk about it; we walk the walk too- every day.

Beachbody helped save my life and now I feel that it is my obligation to share it with other people. It is scary to put yourself out there. You wonder what people will say about you, what they will think. We carefully construct a façade for the world to see, our highlights reel, to be honest. Unfortunately when all we see is someone else’s highlight reel, we never get to hear their back story or see their humanity, how they struggled or what it cost. We don’t see the sweat and the tears; we don’t always get to see the test that came before the testimony. So if there is just one person out there that has lost hope and can benefit from hearing my story, I honestly feel it is my duty to share it. This is it for me. This is “The why that made me cry.”

My life has changed in ways that I never thought possible and I am so thankful today. My mission is to help as many people as I can find their way back to health. I will meet you wherever you are on your road back to health and I will hold out my hand. But it is up to you to take it. I truly hope you do.
