Firefly Fitness with Ken & Jennifer Cornine

Building a Legacy of Health and Happiness

21 Day Fix Extreme Days 2 & 3 Reviewed

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This is usually the point in the process where I blow it.  Not the workout part- I’m good with that, it is the nutrition plan.  I never held hard and fast to the plan.  “BUT YOU ARE A COACH!!!!”,  I hear the people scream.  Yes, I am a health coach and uniquely flawed like we all are.  My downfall is sticking to the plan AS IT IS WRITTEN.  The last time I did the plan as it was written, (drumroll please) I lost weight.  I removed 20 lbs with Focus T25.  I lost 8lbs with Ultimate Reset.  I lost 4 lbs with the 3 Day Refresh.  The programs work if you work them.

(Slogan borrowed from another great cause, applies here too!  😉  )it_works_if_you_work_it_so_work_it_cause_youre_wo

I resolved this time to do it right.  I gained back some weight through my parasite cleanse process, a story for another blog post.  I need to get it off of my body because I feel sluggish and uncomfortable and it is time.  So I decided to jump in with a Mega-Challenge Group and tackled 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I am the participant, not the coach, so I am doing what I am told to do (just like I tell others in my groups to do) and working the plan as it is written.  And it works!e8e61aab7ed578118db05414a57c6987

I am proud to announce that I have lost 4 lbs so far in this Challenge as of the start of Day 4 weigh in.  And I ate pasta last night.  Because it was on the plan!  Marinara-Sauce-1024x768People far smarter than I am have designed this to work.  Not just for some people, for everyone if you work the plan as it is written.

As for the workouts-  I freaking love them.  Weights make me feel so Bad Ass and I have success in those 30 minutes at 5:30 in the morning.  I drink my Shakeology as I am told to do and I show up at work feeling like a Rockstar.  I can’t wait to see what Day 7 feels like.  I’ll keep you posted (and hey- if you want to jump in and do this with me, comment, like, shoot me a message and we’ll get you set up.  What do you have to lose? ).6d0ac4df53e88de1690e91be1fe071dd

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