Firefly Fitness with Ken & Jennifer Cornine

Building a Legacy of Health and Happiness

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Parenting: Are We Getting a Raw Deal?

I loved this blog post- It made me laugh, it made me cringe and made me look in the mirror!


Summer 1974. I’m 9 years old. By 7:30 am, I’m up and out of the house, or if it’s Saturday I’m up and doing exactly what my father, Big Jerry, has told me to do. Might be raking, mowing, digging holes, or washing cars.

Summer 2016. I’m tiptoeing out of the house, on my way to work, in an effort not to wake my children who will undoubtedly sleep until 11 am. They may complete a couple of the chores I’ve left in a list on the kitchen counter for them, or they may eat stale Cheez-its that were left in their rooms 3 days ago, in order to avoid the kitchen at all costs and “not see” the list.

If you haven’t noticed, we’re getting a raw deal where this parenting gig is concerned. When did adults start caring whether or not their kids were safe, happy, or popular?…

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Meatless Monday: Sweet Corn & Black Bean Salad

Wonderful Salad Idea for Memorial Day Weekend!

inspiring healthy living

Happy Meatless Monday! This week’s recipe was one of those recipes that just got thrown together with whatever was lying around the kitchen. The result: a fresh, tasty, super healthy lunch 🙂

Sweet Corn & Black Bean Salad


2 cups black beans, rinsed and drained

1 cup frozen sweet corn, thawed

1/2 cup grape tomatoes, roughly chopped

1/2 cup chopped bell peppers

1/4 cup finely chopped red onion

1 large handful fresh cilantro, chopped

1 tbsp olive oil

2-3 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice (about half a lime)

Pepper, to taste

Simply mix everything together! I had this salad on a warm, whole wheat tortilla with a bit of cheddar cheese sprinkled on top. I threw the salad in a saucepan for a couple of minutes to heat it up and added some cayenne pepper to give it a bit of a kick. Enjoy!

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“Hello my name is Jennifer & I CRAVE Chocolate”

I have been following a different workout program that I LOVE.  I don’t love the nutrition side of it though and I have been deeply conflicted about it.  As a Healthy Lifestyle Coach, I PREACH “Follow the program as it was written.”  Problem is that the way this one was written feels WRONG for my brain.

I have a sugar addicted brain.  The real deal-as in cravings that will be relentless and zap my energy and make me moody and sad and defeated kind of addicted brain- so a diet made up of 50% carbohydrates is not a healthy choice for me.  So with much trepidation, I have decided to bag the carb-loading lifestyle after 3 weeks (and 4 lbs) and go back to my nutritional sweet spot (pun intended).  I do plan to continue with those killer workouts and share my progress as the challenge continues.

In the meantime, I have to deal with the carb brain and sometimes that means tricking it.  My solution is here:  Clean Eating Almond Butter Cups.  (Kid approved!)


1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup high quality cocoa powder
1/2 cup smooth almond butter
1/4 cup raw honey or maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Melt coconut oil.  Blend all ingredients together in a food processor or blender.  Pour into paper-lined muffin tin cups or silicon muffin cups and fill half-inch full.  Makes 20.   Chill for 30 minutes or freeze for 10 minutes.  When firm, remove.  Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.  Mmm-mm!

2 little cups of goodness are 146 calories/14.6 grams fat/2.8 grams carbs/1.6 grams protein/ 1.4 grams fiber

If you would like to see what I’m cooking this week, I post my recipes on my Pinterest board here.  I am following the 21 Day Fix Nutrition Guide and would love to share more with you about it.  Just message me or find me on Facebook!

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Good Mood Food Series: Introduction

She Is Strong

What we eat plays a vital role in how we feel.  It is a scientific fact that deficiencies in some essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients can lead to symptoms associated with stress, depression, behavioral problems as well as more outwardly physical diseases.  A great way to gain an understanding of just how much nutrition impacts our moods can be found in this TEDx talk by clinical psychologist Julia Rucklidge.   

In short, when you are faced with a stressful situation, your body eagerly consumes vital nutrients, leaving you in short supply.  Unless you replenish the stock, your stress symptoms, initially caused by a situation or event, will continue longer than normal because your body has been depleted of the essential nutrients that it needs for optimum brain function.

So – what are these essential nutrients, how can they help, and what can you eat to make sure your body and mind has the fuel…

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Course in a Healthy New YOU

Hi! My name is Jennifer and I am a Health & Wellness Coach. I am also a teacher. I would like to invite you to join me for a very special course that, if you follow the lessons spelled out simply for you, WILL ABSOLUTELY help you make the changes necessary to create lasting habits of health and vitality in your life.

This course is about finding success in achieving our health and fitness goals and what it really takes to earn it. It’s time we learned the truth. We’ve been lied to for too long. There is no magic bullet, no secret formula, no quick fix. We don’t lose 30 pounds in a week, rub decades off our faces with a cream, erase cellulite with a pill, or find lasting success with any other scheme that sounds just too good to be true.

It would be great if we could buy our success, self-esteem, health and well-being in a neat little package with the click of a button and 2 day shipping from Amazon. But, that’s not how it works. We are constantly bombarded with increasingly outrageous claims to get fit, get younger, get sexier… all overnight with little effort and even less support. These repetitive messages have distorted our sense of what it really takes to succeed. We’ve lost sight of the simple but profound fundamentals of what it takes to be successful. I’ve heard it said that No one can do your pushups for you.

What I can do is support you, encourage you and hold you accountable. I can TEACH you to set realistic goals and follow through. I can give you a map and be your partner on the road to health. Give me 30 days and I will teach you to take control of your health and fitness. You will learn how to eat, what to eat and when to eat. You will learn how your small choices and daily habits influence your health and well being and you will get the TOOLS that you need to make lasting change.

The best part about it is that this course is absolutely FREE for a limited time. All you need to do is purchase the course materials and show up ready to take action.

How do you get started? Just fill out the form below and I will be in touch ASAP to start this journey together. I can’t wait!…/1gJGGiy4nR422XNMgd5N…/viewform

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SmileI was listening to a great podcast this morning driving in to work.  (Yes, I do personal development at 6:45am in traffic, LOL)  The subject was dealing with frustrating people and it resonated so much with me.  Brendon Burchard literally echoed the words that I tell my babies all of the time.

Brendon said that we should try to see the humanity in every situation.  We don’t know what kind of tragedies, trials or personal demons the person that was grumpy or absent-minded and irritated you faced today.  We cannot know the struggles of another person unless we have “walked a mile in their shoes”, so BE KIND!  I fail at this at some point or other every day, but I will keep trying.  I hope that you will too.  The world needs more kindness.  Thanks BB for the reminder.  😉

If you would like to listen too, click here!

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Building a Business, Building a Legacy.

In the beginning, I was reluctant to share the coaching opportunity with people.  While I believe wholeheartedly in the opportunity and feel passionate about what this business means on so many levels, I was afraid that people would think that somehow I was self- serving.  I grasped fully the concept that your success in this business is directly related to the amount of people that you help- both in getting healthier and in helping to growing financially- but I had a hard time getting past what I thought others would think.  Lets face it, at the end of the day network marketing has gotten a bad rap.  I rarely approached anyone about sharing my business unless they expressed interest to me first.  The exception was when I timidly brought up the coach discount to my longer term home direct clients- it only made sense for them to save money by becoming a discount coach instead of putting money in my pocket.inspirational-leadership-quotes
Then a series of events happened that help me gain clarity.  A friend suddenly passed away.  A Mom that I know was diagnosed with a terminal disease.  It felt like there was heartbreak and uncertainty all around us.  It became very real to me that life is fleeting and moments were precious.  I thought about my own children and how they would be provided for if anything happen to Ken or me.  We have been through other financial near disasters, sudden joblessness and serious illness that was a huge strain.  The opportunity to be self-employed meant great deal to me.  I was given the very real gift of lasting health as a result of my association with my company as a consumer, the idea of playing a small part in connecting other people to a new path to health was both exciting and rewarding.  It seemed right for me to share that.
But inviting other people to join my team of coaches was another matter.  It wasn’t until the very real notion of my mortality and its impact on our finances came to the forefront of my thoughts, that I realized that this opportunity is a gift to others.  The thought that you and I can create a business, a financial legacy that can pay our children and grandchildren long after we are gone is amazing.  I don’t know many “jobs” that provide those benefits any longer.  You can’t get downsized.  You can’t get eliminated.  You have absolute control over the course of your financial life with this opportunity in addition to doing meaningful work to help other people live healthier, more fulfilling lives.
Even on its smallest scale, by sharing I can help another family.  The income may pay for dance lessons, new shoes or a merrier holiday.  It may even pay your gas bill, college loan or car payment.  Maybe you’ll use the extra income to plan to buy a house or get out of debt.  The point is- how selfish of me not to share it with you and allow you to make your own decision.  Coaching has been a blessing in my life in so many ways, it is high time that I pay it forward and offer the same rewards to you.  I’ve gotten clarity now.  So know that I will talk to you about what I have to offer because I care about you and want you to have a choice.

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Thank You Veterans!

On Saturday we visited Washington D.C.  We were fortunate enough to have found the wonderful Walk of The Town to guide the kids on their first exploration of the Capitol.  Tim Stewart was amazing! As a former educator, he was an engaging storyteller and shared things about D.C. that we never would have been privy to.  toursThe highlight for our family was his insight into the war memorials.
We first learned about the WW2 Memorial and how it came about.  He explained the symbolism that surely goes unnoticed. From the deliberate design of the State pillars as if seated in order of honor based on the date of statehood – much like the placement of bridesmaids and ushers in a great wedding banquet- to the carefully placed sitelines and the symbolism that goes with it.  Real tears stung my eyes as I watched proud families wheel reflective veterans through the memorial for pictures- each with a far away look in their eyes perhaps reflecting on a time long ago and fallen friends.  The wall of gold stars were a somber reminder of the lives lost.  ww2It was here that Tim pointed out the World War Memorial- a simple bandstand built for a ceremony long ago, before wars were numbered.
Next we went to the Viet Nam Memorial and heard the story of conflict and controversy surrounding the design.  emmavietnamWe learned of the careful placement of names as if in the pages of a book.  Look closely and you will see crosses and stars denoting those deceased and missing in action.  Some stars are etched over the crosses; this occurs when remains have been identified and closure is brought to the families.  Letters and memorabilia are left at the wall.  Each non perishable item catalogued and stored in a warehouse.  We learn about a Harley left at the wall for any “fallen brother” who would like to go for a symbolic ride.  We spent time at the sculptures and thought of Auntie Lynt at what is commonly called “the Nurses Sculpture”.  I had the occasion to discuss the divide that still exists in some VFWs over the Viet Nam War.  Some wounds are still fresh.
We ended our tour at the Korean War Memorial, arguable the most haunting of the sites.  koreaIt was amazing the hear the stories of the people portrayed in the sand-blasted etchings on the wall and learn about the woman who identified her father in a particular scene.  It was here that the kids learned about their Grandfathers’ service and the heroic efforts on behalf of  “a place they had never been and a people they had never met.”  
Today, I would like to say thank you to all who have served and those who are still serving, honor the memories of those who have passed and offer a prayer to the families that have sacrificed for our freedom.  And a special thank you to the keepers of history making sure that the stories are told and that we never forget.

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All Saints Day: Welcome to November

Thankful-PrintableLast night was another wonderful night of Trick or Treating.  I am so thankful that my “babies” love to dress up.  This year was all about Broadway for them.  Luke was The Phantom of the Opera and Emma Grace was Eponine from Les Miserables.  It drizzled so she was thrilled to walk the streets singing “A Little Fall of Rain” to herself.  halloween2014

After all the candy Bacchanalia, today, All Saints Day calls for a much more sensible diet.  It is cold and raining here in NJ, so I will be preparing a stay-in-your-jammies-all-day kind of dinner.  Clean Beef Stroganoff in the crock pot should do the trick!

Planning ahead for the week, I will be making these scrumptious bars for snacking on.  It will be wonderful to have the house filled with the aroma of baking banana bread today.  TIP:  Check out the grocery store’s clearance produce for bananas.  You will pay pennies on the dollars for a tote of just slightly overripe bananas which are perfect for this recipe.

I would also like to extend an invitation to join me on Facebook in a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge for the month of November.  There is always something to be thankful for!

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Can I become a Health Coach even if I’m just NOT all that into fitness?

Can I become a Beachbody Coach even if I’m just NOT all that into fitness?


Absolutely! You do not have to be a fitness professional or gym rat to be successful as a Team Beachbody Coach.  I Promise! As someone that had no fitness background whatsoever and has already enjoyed significant success in my coaching business, I want to assure you that there are no special requirements other than a heart to help people!  There are a lot of benefits that you might not have considered, even if you currently have a fulltime job. Here (courtesy of superstar coach Lindsey Catarino) are some things to consider for people thinking about coaching as a secondary income:


  • Beachbody Coaching is similar to a 401k. I say this because in this business, you work for a time, then you get paid for that work for the rest of your life from the residual income. Lindsey grew this business by working 5 hours a week. The income began to compound over time to the point where she could leave her full-time corporate job in finance.
  • Beachbody Coaching is recession-proof. “In this day and age, we all know that layoffs are very common. You simply cannot depend on a job anymore, even as the top employee in the company, because recession causes things to happen. In good years and in bad years, network marketing continues to grow and you cannot get laid off from your own business.”
  • (Thank goodness!)
  • Beachbody Coaching offers HUGE tax benefits. Lindsey says
    • “I have seen so many benefits in terms of my taxes, because running a business from my home gives me huge tax breaks. Your job cannot give you the ability to write-off a portion of your rent, utilities, or even mileage on your vehicle when used for business purposes. All of these write-offs have given me huge breaks on my taxes.”
    • (This cannot be overestimated!)
  • Beachbody Coaching is a mobile business, not necessarily a WORK AT HOME business. Lindsey shares
    •  “If you told me I had to work from home to do this business, I wouldn’t have done it. I am not a person that likes to stay at home, and I do not have children – so I enjoy traveling and being out and about. I actually went to Paris last summer for an entire month and was able to work my business from there. You can view the entire video here, if you want to hear more! “
    • Ken & I travel quite a bit with our children, so a mobile business is essential for our particular travel style.


Deciding to become a Beachbody Coach has been one of the best choices I have made in my life. Whatever goals you may have, be it paying off debt, paying cash for vacations and fun stuff, or starting a college fund for your children, it can be done with this business. If you’re looking to have more freedom and not have to TRADE HOURS FOR DOLLARS, if you want to spend more time with those you care about, if you want to work smarter rather than harder, all while creating financial stability- contact me and lets start a conversation, TODAY!