Firefly Fitness with Ken & Jennifer Cornine

Building a Legacy of Health and Happiness

The Coach gets ready to be Coached

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I joined a Challenge Group for the 21 Day Fix Extreme. Usually I am the person that facilitates a support group, but this time I am the Challenger. And it is way out of my comfort zone.

Doing this is great reminder for me about how it feels to put your hand up and say, “Ok, I’m in.” A little tentatively at first, then maybe you second guess it. “What if I can’t do it? What if I fail?” Those thoughts race through my mind. Then the justifications start. “I have this event happening on Tuesday… It is so cold in the mornings, I can coast until the weather is a little warmer. Then I’ll do a challenge, YES- that’s it, next month.”

I understand how it feels to stand half-naked in the bathroom to take those before pictures and wonder how I’m going to stick to it. But I will. You will too ONCE you have connected a big enough “why” to it. A why that makes you cry. So in the group that I joined I was asked about my why. After much thought, this was my reply:

“There are so many things in life that are out of our control, what people think of us, how they react to us, the economy, etc. Sometimes I feel like a small boat getting tossed about in rough seas. I believe that is a warning sign that it is time to take charge of the things that I can control in order to take my power back. When I succeed in a Challenge as intense as this one will surely be for me, I can only come out of it stronger, fiercer, more equipped to handle all that life can throw my way. It is really about self-preservation, self-confidence, at the end of the day it is about self-love for me.”

I am grateful for the opportunity to experience this from the other side. I know that it will make me a better coach. If you would like to join me and take back control of your life as well, please comment below, I would love to spend some time chatting with you.

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